I'm Khaled and I'm 15 years old. I only have one sister and she is six years younger than me. So my family consists of four members. I love my family very much and I like to spend time with them, but my father works in the university, so I spend more time with my mother and sister, but when my father comes back we spend our time together. I am very happy with my family.
We certainly shouldn't worry about the future
I believe that hard work leads to success
I think that completely right
It seems to me that people should live for today
I think that completely right
هل تعلم؟ نحن في منصة اسأل المنهاج نجيب على اسئلة الطلاب من جميع الدول العربية، كل ما عليك فعله هو طرح سؤالك من خلال الزر في الأعلى ويمكنك العودة الينا مرة اخرى من خلال البحث في جوجل عن "اسأل المنهاج"، لا تقم بنقل المحتوى دون ذكر المصدر جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنصة اسال المنهاج