4 - He didn't go to the bed until he had finished his work .
5 - While they were clapping , she left the stage.
6 - Linda was doing her homework when she got a message from her friend .
اجابة Q4
?What are you doing this afternoon
She is going to take an English course before joining university
The students promised the wont make noise any more
They are goinig to win the elections
Where are you going on holiday
اجابة Q5
? What we wanted to have for lunch today
? Where he was planning to spend his summer holiday
? Who telephoned / had telephoned him last night
If the tourists had enjoyed the beautiful scenes of the city
if he was happy with his new house
Why the manager hadn't called hem last night
What I did when I went home
What flavor of ice cream she liked
if that had been the best way to start writing his letter
هل تعلم؟ نحن في منصة اسأل المنهاج نجيب على اسئلة الطلاب من جميع الدول العربية، كل ما عليك فعله هو طرح سؤالك من خلال الزر في الأعلى ويمكنك العودة الينا مرة اخرى من خلال البحث في جوجل عن "اسأل المنهاج"، لا تقم بنقل المحتوى دون ذكر المصدر جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنصة اسال المنهاج