1. The film's first scene was so frightening that I couldn't watch and had to (look) away.
2. There were dangerous animals nearby, so we lit a fire to (frighten) them away.
3 She grew up here, but her family had to(move) away from the area.
4 I called to the boy, but he was frightened and (ran) away
5 I don't need this again, so you can (throw) it away.
6 They make great food that you can eat in the cafe or (take) away.
هل تعلم؟ نحن في منصة اسأل المنهاج نجيب على اسئلة الطلاب من جميع الدول العربية، كل ما عليك فعله هو طرح سؤالك من خلال الزر في الأعلى ويمكنك العودة الينا مرة اخرى من خلال البحث في جوجل عن "اسأل المنهاج"، لا تقم بنقل المحتوى دون ذكر المصدر جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنصة اسال المنهاج