He correctly defined the terms .The answer sounded correct
Her voice sounds beautiful. She sang the song exactly as it was written. We heard it perfectly
He was a very sensible person. He acted very sensibly
Mike wrote too slowly on the exam. He always writes slowly
You must send payments regularly. We deal on a strictly cash basis
She worked carefully with the sick child. She was a very careful worker
He did not pass the course as easily as he thought he would
Talk softly or don't talk at all. The music played softly
هل تعلم؟ نحن في منصة اسأل المنهاج نجيب على اسئلة الطلاب من جميع الدول العربية، كل ما عليك فعله هو طرح سؤالك من خلال الزر في الأعلى ويمكنك العودة الينا مرة اخرى من خلال البحث في جوجل عن "اسأل المنهاج"، لا تقم بنقل المحتوى دون ذكر المصدر جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنصة اسال المنهاج